About me
Hey there, thanks for dropping by! My name is Leon Foo, I specialize in UI/UX Design and Research. I've also done a bit of game design in the past.
I graduated from Digipen Institute of Technology Singapore, under the Bachelor of Arts In Game Design Program (BAGD) in December of 2018 and am now working at Singapore Institute of Technology as a Research Engineer (2019 - present) for VR/XR simulation and apps, usually doing some kind of research but also frequently work on a ton of development and design related tasks. Whatever I do though, I try and contribute to the greater community such as by providing research insights or some kind of artifact any one can use for the applications or games.
But enough about work, want to know more about me?
I love games. Gaming is on the top of my list when it comes to my only growing list of hobbies. I love anything that can be played cooperatively, be it a PvP game like Apex Legends, or a PvE game like the indie hit Phasmophobia. Speaking of hobbies, I practice the art of digital illustration, and am trying to pick up the guitar as well! I also build scale-model kits from time to time.
I also love traveling and experiencing new culture and traditions. Urban cities are always interesting for me because they give off a sense of familiarity yet, the atmosphere and human-to-human interactions are always different. But I love the occasional countryside and smaller towns too for their scenic and sometimes tranquil atmosphere.
Feel free to stay for awhile if you'll like! Hope you enjoyed knowing more about me, and have a great day ahead!